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Theme Park, Fairs & Event Photos
A: provides the park and event Photographers with this web service so that visitors have another way to get their photos from the event.

Usually, the photos taken are available on this web site within 48 hours. Under some circumstances (when the event is in a remote location such as a state fair), the photos may be delayed for several days before they are available on the site. We apologize for this delay, however this situation is beyond our control.

To view your photo you must have a the Photo ID number given to you at the location. You must also know the exact date the picture was taken and also have a valid email address. All photos will display the Photogra watermark over the preview, however this watermark will be removed at time of purchase. Prints and a variety of products are offered for your photo.

If your photo is not yet available, we will use your email address to notify you when the photo is ready for you to view.
We hope this section has been helpful in answering your question, if you continue to have problems, don't hesitate to send us your question by email at any time.
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